Bob and Penny Lord TV Channel
Instructions for watching
Bob and Penny Lord STREAMING Channel
We are excited to offer this FREE to all of our supporters and friends. God is blessing us and we want to share the blessings each way we can.
Here is all you have to do to start watching our AD FREE videos on our Youtube Channel
Or go to
Search for Bob and Penny Lord Ministry
No login or password needed.
All videos are ad free and unlimited viewing.
You can view our Youtube Channel on any device connected to the internet!
If your device has internet connection then you can view our Channel
This Includes:
cellphones - iphone, android
smart TV
any TV
computers, tablets, ipads
streaming devices
cellphones - iphone, android
smart TV
any TV
computers, tablets, ipads
streaming devices
Youtube and more
Here are instructions for each device:
1. Watch on iphone and android devices:

A. Download our FREE iphone and android device app - Click here
B. After you have downloaded the FREE app click on View TV Channel then click Bob and Penny Lord Streaming Channel
2. Watch on computers, tablets, ipads ie) anything with internet access

Open any internet browser
go to
Search for Bob and Penny Lord Ministry
3. Watch on smartTV

SmartTVs have internet browser built in to the menu.
Open any internet browser on your smarttv and go to
Open any internet browser on your smarttv and go to
go to
Search for Bob and Penny Lord Ministry
I have found the best way to watch our channel on an older tv is to use a screen mirroring app and many of them are free!
4. Watch on older TV using a streaming device

Use any streaming device with internet access connected to your TV
Open any internet browser on your streaming device connected to your TV
Open any internet browser on your streaming device connected to your TV
go to
Search for Bob and Penny Lord Ministry
The best way to watch our channel on an older tv is to use a screen mirroring app and many of them are free!
Examples of streaming devices you can use:
There are many streaming devices with internet access and you may just go to any search engine and search for streaming devices with internet access.
Here are three examples to watch on any TV

A. Google Chromecast streaming device - has internet access using Chrome browser
The Channel supports Chromecast and iOS AirPlay, so you can cast and AirPlay videos from your iOS devices right to your TV. You can find helpful instructions in our Chromecast and AirPlay FAQ articles
The Channel supports Chromecast and iOS AirPlay, so you can cast and AirPlay videos from your iOS devices right to your TV. You can find helpful instructions in our Chromecast and AirPlay FAQ articles
B. Amazon Fire Streaming Device - If you are a Amazon Prime Member you can Add the FREE Silk Browser for internet access.
Step 3 At the Amazon Silk Browser
First Go to your Amazon Fire Channel
Step 2 Add the FREE Amazon Silk Internet Browser and load it
go to
Search for Bob and Penny Lord Ministry
C. Use a mirroring cable - to connect your iphone directly to your TV - search for connect iphone to TV on your browser

In conclusion, there are many ways to access Bob and Penny Lord TV Channel and after reading the above if you need help please contact Brother Joseph at or click on the Chat with us Green Button on bottom right.
The best way to watch our channel on a smart tv or older tv is to use a screen mirroring app and many of them are free!
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