About Us
Journeys of FaithR

Founders Bob and Penny Lord
Book, dvds, ebooks, audiobooks, streaming channel, Newsletter, Events
Retreats, Pilgrimages
Bob and Penny Lord are still working
for the Lord in heaven
Bob and Penny Lord - Founders
for the Lord in heaven
Bob and Penny Lord - Founders
“This is the will of God, your sanctification.” 1 Thess 4
In 1976, Bob and Penny discovered the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano while on their first pilgrimage in Europe. Thereafter, they began searching out the shrines of the various Eucharistic Miracles.
In 1980, Our Lord called them to bring Pilgrims to those shrines , to teach them about the miracles, and Journeys of Faith was born. Today, the ministry continues to conduct pilgrimages.
In 1986, they wrote their first of 25 books This Is My Body, This Is My Blood, Miracles of the Eucharist. It is still our best seller!
Journeys of Faith
65 Holy Family Mission Road
Morrilton, AR 72110
1800-633-2484 1-501-354-6100
FAX 1-501-354-1783
Brother Joseph Freyaldenhoven
Luz Elena Sandoval
Blanca Perez
Journeys of Faith
501c3 Non Profit Organization
Federal EIN 770116382
Bob and Penny Lord left us a strong Foundation of media on The Eucharist, Mother Mary, and the Saints upon which we now expand and develop More Evangelization media tools.
***Evangelization Media Tools***
Tangible: Books, minibooks, DVDs,
Digital: audiobooks, ebooks, videos
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We are located at Holy Family Mission in Morrilton, Arkansas
in the Beautiful foothills of the Ozark Mountains.
We live near the former Monastery that was known as
Marienstadt or in English Mary's Place.