We received notice of a new Sodality that has been formed by Mother Agnes of the Seraphic Adorers of the Child Jesus
From Mother Agnes
I have Great News! For all of you who are concerned about the state of our country and our world, or those who would simply desire to grow closer to our beloved Lord: With the blessing of Bishop Gerard Battersby, we have begun a “Seraphic Sodality” where you may join us in adoring our Little Eucharistic King wherever you may live. We desire to raise an army of adorers to pray for our world, our families, our priests, and to console His Sacred Heart!
Please join us in this beautiful work of LOVE! If you would like more information, please go to our website at https://seraphicadorers.com/spiritual/sodality
The goal of the Sodality is to give the Child Jesus an army of adorers, who are seeking holiness of life and interceding for the Church and the world, for Scripture tells us,
A little Child will lead them.
Isaiah 11:6
Purpose of the Sodality
To cultivate inner prayer and public Eucharistic Adoration among members who are committed to witnessing to the Divine Love of the Child Jesus.
To console His Eucharistic Heart- "Which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even exhausting and consuming itself in testimony of His Love."
To assist souls to grow in holiness by following the little Way of love and confidence.
To intercede for our Church, our priests and our families.