
Introducing Virtual Pilgrimages

Introducing Virtual Pilgrimages

We are excited to bring you Virtual Pilgrimages!   What is a Virtual Pilgrimage!A Virtual Pilgrimage is a video presentation paying particular attention to the Life of a Saint, a Shrine of...

Introducing Virtual Pilgrimages

We are excited to bring you Virtual Pilgrimages!   What is a Virtual Pilgrimage!A Virtual Pilgrimage is a video presentation paying particular attention to the Life of a Saint, a Shrine of...

The Annunciation

The Annunciation

Meditation on the Annunciation     Watch the video 

The Annunciation

Meditation on the Annunciation     Watch the video 

Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

    1. The Agony in the Garden2. The Scourging at the Pillar3. The Crowning with Thorns4. Jesus Carries His Cross5. Jesus Dies on the CrossListen to Luz say the...

Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

    1. The Agony in the Garden2. The Scourging at the Pillar3. The Crowning with Thorns4. Jesus Carries His Cross5. Jesus Dies on the CrossListen to Luz say the...

How to Say the Angelus

How to Say the Angelus

The Angelus has been prayed each day at 6am noon and 6pm for centuries. Now is time to revive this practice if you have not being praying it.    ...

How to Say the Angelus

The Angelus has been prayed each day at 6am noon and 6pm for centuries. Now is time to revive this practice if you have not being praying it.    ...

Bob and Penny Lord Store Rewards Program

Bob and Penny Lord Store Rewards Program

Rewards Program at Bob and Penny Lord's Store | Earn Rewards when shopping at Bob and Penny Lord Store

Bob and Penny Lord Store Rewards Program

Rewards Program at Bob and Penny Lord's Store | Earn Rewards when shopping at Bob and Penny Lord Store

Guardian Angel Prayers

Guardian Angel Prayers

Guardian Angel Prayers   Angel of God, my guardian Dear Angel of God, my guardian dear,To whom God’s love commits me here,Ever this day be at my side,To light and...

Guardian Angel Prayers

Guardian Angel Prayers   Angel of God, my guardian Dear Angel of God, my guardian dear,To whom God’s love commits me here,Ever this day be at my side,To light and...