Help us provide Lives of the Saints Videos to Catholic Schools!

“This is the will of God, your sanctification.” 1 Thess 4
We now providing our library of over 170 video episodes on the Lives of the Catholic Saints to Catholic Schools.
We already have Catholic Schools activated from a grant from one of our supporters.
A small donation per month will fund one Catholic School.
We provide the videos using our On Demand Video Server at Patreon. These are the same Super Saints videos by Bob and Penny Lord that are airing on EWTN Global Catholic Television. The videos are digital online and students can view them on their phones or any device including a home tv. The Students love them and learn from them about the Catholic Saints.
Please consider funding your Catholic School
in any state for only a $20 per month donation.
When you make your donation add a message to tell us what Catholic School you wish to fund with Lives of the Saints Videos on Demand.
If you are interested in Funding to provide your Catholic School with On Demand Videos on the Lives of the Saint Click the link Below. Any Amount is greatly received.