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Miraculous Medal 4 Panel Prayer Pamphlet

Miraculous Medal 4 Panel Prayer Pamphlet

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You are purchasing Miraculous Medal 4 Panel Pamphlet
3.5 inch by 7 inches
Unfolded 7 by 14 inches

What is the Miraculous Medal, and why is it so popular? Accessible, enlightening, this pamphlet will help you answer those questions and equip you to share with your fellow Catholics one of the greatest sacramentals in the treasury of the Church. The pious use of the Miraculous Medal has been connected to reported healings, conversions, and protection from evil and harm. Let this pamphlet encourage you to take up the Miraculous Medal, highly recommended by St. Maximilian Kolbe and other outstanding Catholic brethren!
History and Apparition to Saint Catherine Laboure
Medal's Miracles
Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne
Saint Maximilian Kolbe and the Medal


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