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Saint Edith Stein ebook PDF

Saint Edith Stein ebook PDF

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Title: Saint Edith Stein
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Publisher: Journeys of Faith
Format: ebook PDF Download
36 Pages

Martyrs of Auschwitz

Saint Edith Stein Saint 

“Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” We were staying in the Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in Krakow, Poland. The good sisters wanted the little preschool children to sing and perform skits for us.They were so proud of their little charges.

Above: the entrance to Auschwitz Concentration Death Camp Below: Door on one of the creamation ovens at Auschwitz

The children went from love songs to Jesus and Mary in Polish, to the only song they knew in English: “Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” Little did the sisters know why we were crying. As we scanned their precious innocent faces, all we could see were the precious innocent faces of children who, fifty years before, had gone to their horrible deaths in the Nazi death camps of Adolf Hitler. For you see, just two days before, we had walked the Way of the Cross through Auschwitz.

Our guide at the Concentration Camp said that no one leaves Auschwitz unchanged. She warned us that we would never forget Auschwitz! And she was right! For many years, we had avoided the ugly graphic truth of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. In the Holy Land, we avoided the Monument to the Holocaust. Whenever we visited Germany, we said our Rosary and the prayers for the dead as we passed quickly by Dachau. But stop and go inside? No way! I remember one time, when our daughter wanted to go inside Dachau, I said “I’m so sorry, but I can’t!”

Saint Edith Stein was a Martyr of Auschwitz Concentration Camp

A convert from Judaism, who died not only for her Jewish brothers and sisters, but for her executioners, saying if she did not pray for them who would. Her conversion came about through the writings of St. Teresa of Avila.

We travel to  Auschwitz and witness the horror of Hitler’s systematic annihilation of the helpless in this Nazi death camp.  We stand at the spot where the little white cottage stood where Edith and her sister, along with other innocent victims were gassed to death.
Prison camp at Auschwitz in detail. Pictures provided

Saint Edith Stein Video from Bob and Penny Lord on Vimeo.

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