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Updated Bob and Penny Lord TV Channel
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Welcome to Bob and Penny Lord's TV Channel.
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Bob and Penny spent over 30 years traveling the world and researching accounts of Miracles of the Eucharist, Apparitions of Mary, and lives of the Saints. Our TV Channel has hundreds of videos (see list below) produced from their research plus Our Live Stream which includes: Saint of the Day, Inspiring Accounts, Conferences, Music Concerts and a lot more about our Catholic Faith. In 2018 we started the updating of the videos with new scenes. Browse the list below. Thanks for your support. We love you!
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Watch on any device - including iPhone, Android, smart TV, computer, tablet, Roku Channel, Amazon Fire TV with unlimited access to our video list below and Live Streams with a Subscription. With your username and password you will be able to access from any device!
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Miracles of the Eucharist
Why Miracles of the Eucharist?
Miracle of the Eucharist of Ferrara - 1171
Miracle of the Eucharist of Offida - 1273
Miracle of the Eucharist of Walldurn - 1330
Miracle of the Eucharist of Krakow - 1345
Miracle of the Eucharist of Macerata -1356
Miracle of the Eucharist of Erding - 1417
Miracle of the Eucharist of Bois Seigneur Isaac
Miracle of the Eucharist of Avignon - 1433
Miracle of the Eucharist of Blanot - 1331
Miracles of the Eucharist of of Portugal
Miracles of the Eucharist of of Spain
Apparitions of Mary
The Holy House of Loreto
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
Our Lady of La Salette
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Pontmain
Our Lady of Knock
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Beauraing
Our Lady of Banneux
Our Lady of Pilar
Our Lady of Rosary/Lourdes
Our Lady of Ocotlan
Our Lady of Altotting
Our Lady of Czestochowa
La Conquistadora Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Tears
Our Lady of Pompei
Our Lady of Laus
Lives of the Saints
Arch. Fulton J. Sheen
Blessed Angela of Foligno
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
Blessed Dina Bélanger
Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora
Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney
Blessed Francis Seelos
Blessed Frederic
Blessed Margaret of Castello
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Saint Agatha
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
Saint Angela Merici
Saints Anne and Joaquim
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saints Augustine & Monica
Saint Benedict
Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernardine of Siena
Saint Boniface
Saint Brother André
Saint Catherine of Bologna
Saint Catherine of Genoa
Saint Catherine de’ Ricci
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Charles Borromeo
Saint Clare of Assisi
Saint Clare of Montefalco
Saint Conrad
Saint Dominic
Saint Dominic Savio
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Sister Faustina, & Divine Mercy
Saint Frances Cabrini
Saint Frances of Rome
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis de Sales - Jane Frances de Chantal
Saint Gabriel of the Sorrows
Saint Gaspar del Bufalo
Saint Gerard Majella
Saint Gemma Galgani
Saint Germaine de Pibrac
Saint Gertrude the Great
Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint John Bosco
Saint John Eudes
Saint John of the Cross
Saint John Neumann
Saint John Vianney
Saint Joseph of Cupertino
Saint Junipero Serra
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
Saint Leopold Mandic
Saint Louis M. de Montfort
Saint Margaret of Cortona
Saint Margaret M. Alacoque
Saint M.M. DePazzi
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Padre Pio
Saint Paschal Baylon
Saint Peregrine The Cancer Saint
Saints Peter & Paul - Saints of Rome
Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Saint Philip Neri
Saint Philomena
Saint Rita of Cascia
Saints Rosalia & Lucia
Saint Rose of Viterbo
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Vincent de Paul
Saint Veronica Giuliani
Walk The Way/ Cross
Women Saints of Canada
Martyrs - They Died for Christ
What is a Martyr?
Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko
Blessed Miguel Pro - Mexican Martyr
Saint Edith Stein Martyr of Auschwitz
Saint Maxmilian Kolbe Martyr of Auschwitz
Saint Pope John Paul II - Dry Martyr
Eleven Canonized Nuns of Nowogrodek
North American Martyrs - Canada
North American Martyrs-Auriesville
Pope’s visit - N. American Martyrs
The 1st Martyrs of the New World
Mexican Martyrs Saints Magallanes & Caloca
Mexican Martyrs Saints Orona & Cruz
Mexican Martyrs Saints Romo & Galván
Mexican Martyrs Saints Ubiarco & Reyes
Mexican Martyrs Saints Lithuania, Land of Martyrs
Mexican Martyrs Saints Beatification of Mexican Martyrs
Five years in Siberia
Irish Martyrs I -Mass Rock
Irish Martyrs II
Irish Martyrs III
Irish Martyrs IV - St. Oliver Plunkett
Miracles of the Cross
Miracle of the Hill of Crosses
Origin of the True Cross
Miracles of the Cross of the Split Mountains
Miracle of theCross & Our Lady/Good Counsel
Miracles of the Cross in Lives of Saints
Miracles of the Cross of Guadalupe and Poisoned Crucifix
Miracles of the Cross of Lucca, Italy
Miracles of the Cross of Italy
Miracle of the Cross of Chimayo
Miracle of Living Cross of Limpias
Miracles of the Child Jesus
The Infant of Prague in Arenzano
Miracle of the Child Jesus of Lama dei Peligni
Miracle of the Child Jesus of Santa Maria in Aracoeli
Santo Nino de Atocha
Divino Nino of Bogota The Statue that spoke to Mother Angelica
Scandal of the Cross - Heresies throughout History
God sends us special grace
While Jesus Walked the Earth
Heresies of the First Century
Gnostics of the 2nd Century
Predestination in 2nd Century
Heresies Denying/Incarnation
Tertullian & Origen - 3rd Century
Heresies -Third Century II
Arianism in Fourth Century
Pelagianism - Man can be God
Iconoclasm & Waldensians
The Greek Schism
Berengarianism & Albigensianism
Renaissance - New Birth?
Modernism- 20th Century
New Age - The Great Deceit
Includes a collection of videos that are being added to each week, including:
Virtual Pilgrimages - Videos that virtually to the Shrines. For example Cascia, Italy - Saint Rita of Cascia and Miracle of the Eucharist of Cascia
Holy Family Mission Conferences
Bob and Penny Lord Parish Missions
Videos on Prayer and Meditations
Includes Live Streams